Tired of Crime? It's Time for a Change

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"Crime isn't everywhere... It's everywhere it's allowed to be."

Kurstin's Plan

End catch and release

Too many offenders are simply let go. Since 2017, over 16,000 offenders have been put back on the street due to competency. Over 3,000 of them were accused of violent felonies like rape and murder. Our lawmakers are failing to protect us from those who do us harm.

Support tough crime bills for violent offenders

Legislators are not doing their job. Not only have they made it harder to be a cop than it is to be a criminal, they held a special session to deal with crime in New Mexico only to adjourn the next day without taking up a single crime bill! Don't worry, they took time to make sure they got paid.

Prosecute trespassing, shoplifting, and drug use

We see it everyday. Criminals filling carts with goods and walking out of stores without paying. People shooting up on street corners. Tent cities springing up in parks and in our own front yards. Dangerous criminals are born when they know there aren't any consequences. Failure to prosecute smaller crimes inevitably leads to more serious offenses.

Protect the police

In 2021, the Legislature made it more dangerous to be a police officer and more profitable to be a trial attorney. House Bill 4 should be repealed and protections for officers reinstated.

Secure the border

Much of the crime we see everyday is due to the flood of fentanyl crossing our southern border. It's time to stem the tide, protect our border, and make New Mexico safe for our families.

Can't find a doctor? It's Time for a Change

"Doctors are leaving New Mexico. I want to make it possible for them to stay."

Kurstin's Plan

What happened?

In 2021, the my opponent voted to strip away protections for doctors and created a cash cow for trial lawyers. The trial lawyer sponsor even changed the purpose of the act which was originally "to promote the health and welfare of the people of New Mexico by making available professional liability insurance for health care providers in New Mexico."

The result... doctors are leaving New Mexico.

Since the passage of HB 75, medical malpractice insurance premiums have skyrocketed by over 33% - the 2nd highest in the nation! Not surprisingly, New Mexico is in the bottom half of states for primary care and physician availability. The number of doctors lags behind patient demand resulting in longer wait times for patients and physician burnout.

The solution:

Restore the original purpose of the Medical Malpractice Act to make professional liability insurance available to healthcare providers. Institute common sense caps on how much trial attorneys can make in order to keep our providers, lower the cost of malpractice insurance, and reduce the cost of care for patients. 

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