Kurstin Johnson is a native New Mexican, small business owner, job creator and life-long conservative. She is also hard-working, respected, motivated, driven, determined and reasonable. And most importantly, she loves the State of New Mexico.
For 37 years, she has promoted New Mexico—and all it has to offer—through her work in the real estate industry where she works with people from all walks of life. In that realm, she successfully negotiates, advocates, protects and finds acceptable compromise for each of her customers. In her work in the real estate industry, Johnson meets people every week who are leaving New Mexico because of the out of control crime, unfriendly business climate, and failed education system. Productive people are taking their innovation and their treasure and leaving. This must stop.
Johnson will strive to keep New Mexicans safe in their homes and communities; make sure criminals are punished for their crimes; allow New Mexicans to run their businesses and use their land and property without government interference; protect private property rights; cap property taxes for the elderly on fixed incomes and ensure our children receive a good education. Johnson was President of the Albuquerque Metropolitan Board of Realtors in 2000. In 2004, she was Realtor of the Year and was awarded the prestigious Lifetime Achievement in Real Estate award (CO Nelson Award) in 2015. Governor Susana Martinez appointed Johnson to the New Mexico Real Estate Commission in 2013 where she served for 8 years for two Governors.
Kurstin Johnson was born and raised in Albuquerque’s North Valley. She graduated from Valley High School and the University of New Mexico with a degree in Journalism. Johnson launched Vista Encantada Realtors, LLC in 1999 and the company is in the top 10 real estate producing companies in the state. Her husband, Wayne Johnson, is a former Bernalillo County Commissioner and former New Mexico State Auditor.